Ready to book your mountain getaway at Seven Springs Mountain Villa?

We are excited to help you plan your perfect getaway to our cozy retreat. Whether you're seeking a relaxing vacation or an adventurous escape, we’re here to provide you with all the information you need for a memorable stay. Additional information about Mogul Mite is available on the VRBO booking website. Guests will receive the rental agreement upon booking.

3C4 Mountain Villas Drive, Champion, PA 15562


We Have A 9.8 Rating on VRBO!

Mogul Mite at Seven Springs Mountain Villa has a 9.8 rating on VRBO, reflecting our commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences. Our guests love the spacious accommodations, mountain views, and diverse activities, making it the perfect choice for family getaways, group retreats, and memorable vacations.

Send us a message:

If you have any questions, need assistance with booking, or want to learn more about the amenities and activities near Mogul Mite at Seven Springs Mountain Villa, feel free to reach out. We are available to help you with anything from accommodation details to event inquiries.


Follow Us On Social Media!

In addition to the contact form above, you can also reach out through our social media channels and VRBO. Stay connected with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to get the latest updates, special promotions, and sneak peeks of what’s happening at Seven Springs Mountain Villa. Following us on social media is a great way to stay informed about upcoming events, seasonal activities, and guest experiences.


A Seven Springs rental located an hour south of Pittsburgh.

It's an easy drive up to Seven Springs Mountain Resort. If you're looking for a spacious Pennsylvania VRBO, Mogul Mite is the place for you! We are located right on the Mountain Villas golf course with a view opposite the ski slopes and complimentary shuttle service to the resort.

3C4 Mountain Villas Drive, Champion, PA 15562